What is pharmacovigilance?
Pharmacovigilance is defined as “The science and activities relating to the detection, assessment, understanding and prevention of adverse effects or any other drug-related problems”.
What is adverse drug reaction (ADR)?
ADR is defined as “a response to a medicine which is noxious and unintended, and which occurs at doses normally used in man”.
Do drugs cause adverse drug reactions (ADRs)?
On the hypothetical side, all medications may cause some ADRs, but many people use drugs without causing them any ADRs. The benefit of taking a drug has generally outweigh the risk that may occur.
Why do we report adverse drug reaction?
By reporting the adverse drug reactions, you contribute in the collection of safety information process for each drug, so that JPM's Pharmacovigilance officers can apply appropriate measures to minimize the reoccurrence of these ADRs.
The information you provide will also help us meet our responsibility for reporting Adverse Drug Reactions to regulatory authorities, which in turn will lead to improve the quality of health-care offered to the community.
Who can report?
All members of society can report ADRs.
How to report ADRs?
Fill ADR reporting form either handwritten or electronically and send it to Pharmacovigilance Dept.:
Alternatively, call us and we will fill the form on behalf of you.